A Business Health Check Report is like your personal health report.
You go and see a dentist and check if everything is ok each year. If things are not well then you find out what’s to be fixed and then fix it. You do not wait for 10 years to visit a dentist at which point there is not much that can be done to control the damage.
We undertake a review of your business via a “business health check report”. This is usually a 30+ Pages Report customized for your business. It’s truly enlightening. Through this process we identify both your businesses strengths and areas of concern. This then forms the basis of developing with you a 12 month Business Development Plan. We meet with you regularly (monthly or quarterly) to provide a financial diagnostic and report on progress using visual presentations.
You will be designated a business expert who you will meet over a coffee to answer the fact finding questions.
After that point, we will connect your accounting data to our reporting software. We will then tailor the report as per your business requirements which you will be PDF’d at the end.
Our report includes:
Business Overview Report
Profit & Loss Analysis
Balance Sheet Analysis
Cash Flow Analysis
Budget Preparation
KPI Setting
Business Goals Management
Business Concern Management
Profit Increase Strategy
Cost Reduction Strategy
Tax Strategies